
Well, I did it. I went and got COVID. Two years of dodging the bullet, all while working in a facility with high incidents of COVID. I suppose it was…


Short week of work for me. I took Thursday and Friday off so the wife and I could take a quick overnight trip to NYC. The daughter bought tickets for…

Zoom Zoom

I own a Mazda CX-5. I bought it new in 2019 and it’s been a great car so far. Gets me to-and-from work easily. Has lots of bells and whistles.…


The wife, the daughter, and I saw “Six” at the National Theater this week. What a crazy fun show. Based on the lives and wives of Henry VIII, but in…


Lots of little events this week: I ordered a home try-on box of glasses frames from Warby Parker My 2019 Mazda finally hit 30k miles I got caught in a…