Mind the gap

I tweaked some stuff on the back end, I’m curious if picture uploads from Android will work now… Yup, looks like it. Testing the Twitter integration after publishing too.

Testing from Android

Nifty, eh. Not only did I manage to get WordPress up and running for a couple domains, I also managed to tweak it to access from the Android WordPress app.…


A security analyst working for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provided guidance back in 2003 that was used as the basis for a lot of security policies.…

Going backwards

I think I was in 7th grade when I first heard Depeche Mode. Up until that point, I didn’t really have my own musical identity. I pretty much listened to…


Coulrophobia [kool-ruh–foh-bee-uh] noun 1. an abnormal fear of clowns ex. I don’t get how anybody could have coulrophobia after listening to Puddles sing with his golden voice.

Well … maybe

Bottom line is that I want to blog again. However, I need to find the right platform, venue, URL, etc. I’m trying out “Ghost” and don’t mind it. I need…