Cybersecurity Advent – Day 07

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: use a password manager For a long time, you probably heard that your password should be a mix of upper, lower, special characters, and numbers and that…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 06

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: enable multifactor authentication (MFA) or two-factor authentication (2FA) You’re already familiar with authentication, which is proving you are who you say you are. The most popular…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 05

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: encrypt everything Encryption seems like a scary topic to a lot of people; and if you get into the weeds of the algorithms used and salts and…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 04

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: backup your devices If you’ve never experienced a hard drive crash on your computer or your mobile phone completely dying and you lose everything on your device…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 03

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: review your computer’s privacy settings It’s no secret that companies gather information about their customers. The problem is when we don’t pay attention and let them…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 02

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: use anti-virus and anti-malware Adding another layer of security is installing an anti-virus AND an anti-malware program on your computer AND your phone. Macs, Windows, iPhones,…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 01

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: update your devices The most effective way to stay safe is to run the latest patches and software updates on your computer and mobile devices. While…

Cybersecurity Advent Calendar

Starting on Friday, December 1, I’m going to post a series of security tips to help people learn to keep themselves safe on their computers, on their phones, and online.…


Back in 2015 I tried a “Project 365” in which I would post a picture each day. I didn’t really have a theme, per se. Some days I posted something…

Devoured by its own economic model

This is actually a great article over at SBNation which is more about economics than the NFL and Football. TL;DR – NFL franchises have become experts at “squeezing every profitable dollar,…