More like Alt-Wrong

I’m a generally amicable person. I don’t hold grudges well, I’m friendly, I try to look at both sides of an issue objectively. What I’m trying to say is that I…

Recipe: Baked Apples

Baked apples are a Fall tradition in our house. Every year since the kids were little we’ve gone apple picking. When you’ve got bags and bags of apples, you have…

A different world

Note: I posted this originally on the Friendface … but felt I should post it here too. Found this photo on imgur. People watching the WTC burn 16 years ago. I…

Vegan Garlic Alfredo Sauce

I made this vegan garlic Alfredo sauce tonight … and it was a hit! The recipe is from “The Vegan 8“, so it’s only eight ingredients. I found it took…

Organic Foods Aren’t Healthier

For the record, I don’t shop for organic foods because they’re healthier. I shop for them because they’re grown and/or produced without the use of (or with severely limited use…


I’ve recently decided I need to practice more mindfulness. I’ve always been pretty carefree and not really too focused on the past or future. The problem is, I also tend…


Looking for free anti-fascism / anti-racism vector art? Thanks to Bobby Hundreds, your search is over! The art was inspired by Heather Heyer, who lost her life in the Charlottesville…

Please greet me with a heart full

Why am I so behind the times sometimes? I’ve only just recently started listening to Run The Jewels. These guys are great! I don’t study war no more I don’t…