Category Security

World Password Day

Since I work in information security, I think today is a great opportunity to remind people of some good password tips. Finally, I stole this Password BINGO card … play along and see what mistakes you’ve made (I’m guilty of…

Tracking Tag Security

You’ve likely seen the cool new tracking tag on the block – Apple’s AirTags (which were released less than a month ago). This week’s Naked Security Live video from Sophos Security discusses how safe they are. Spoiler alert: they’ve already…

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. A recent resurgence of the “You are in this video” attack on Facebook prompted me to post some tips to stay safe online. These tips are lifted from a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) pamphlet:…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 24

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: watch this video series This is it, you’ve reached the final tip. Today’s tip is a pretty passive one and won’t require much effort on your part. I’m sharing a video series with you. Varonis, a…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 23

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: monitor your accounts Even with all the settings we’ve tweaked, browser plug-ins we’ve installed, and common sense in the world, you still might get hacked or there might be a breach in some service in which you…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 22

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: report any issues We can agree that no amount of security will keep you perfectly safe, right? That is to say, except completely staying off the internet and not using anybody with online connectivity … but…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 21

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: use common sense We’ve spent a majority of the past few weeks reviewing technological tools to help keep you secure. But there’s a saying that goes “built something more idiot proof and they’ll build a better idiot.”…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 20

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: use HTTPS everywhere I’ve already touched on encryption in this series, so you’re aware of the importance of scrambling your data. I’ve also briefly touched on encryption of your data in transit using HTTPS. So today’s…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 19

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: manage your privacy while browsing I’m sure it comes as no surprise that your browsing habits are tracked regularly by multiple sites. If you look at your cookies in your browser of choice right now, there are…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 18

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: use ad-blockers First and foremost, I use a lot of free services on the internet. And I know many of those services rely on advertising revenue to remain in business. However, as somebody who assesses risk for…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 17

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: review your connected accounts Many websites allow you to sign in using your credentials from another service (like Google, Facebook, or Twitter). While this is convenient, depending on what you agreed to when you connected the…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 16

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: be careful what you post It seems obvious to say you don’t want to give away personal information online, but it’s surprising the information you can find about people with a simple search. When you think…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 15

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: be careful in email In reality, you should be careful and pay attention to all the information you post or share, links you click, or attachments you open online; not just in emails. But most people use…

Cybersecurity Advent – Day 14

Today’s Cybersecurity tip is: protect your lockscreen I don’t even need to mention how important protecting your mobile device is … this is the third day of tips dedicated to them. And while it’s convenient to have notifications displayed on…