Stuff related to me


Beautiful morning commute sky Seen at the office Finished the first book of the year


Big, fat Meatball Rubi wants to go out with her ball Max is a great supervisor


Sorting letters for the HOA message boards Things you see when “tuba guy” lives in your neighborhood I made Veganomicon’s Mac Daddy for dinner


The son’s new kettle tells me the perfect temperature for coffee The puppy is acting strange just standing on the stairs Nothing sadder than an empty See’s Candy box


Pug puzzle finished Time to play Outer Worlds Black Eyed Peas in hoppin’ John for New Year

Project 365

In case you’re new around here, I do this little thing called a “Project 365“. You can find all my photos from this year (2019) on with the #project365 tag. Note: I recently moved to using for blogging…

Choose to Create

Earlier this year I read “Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport. I already had suspicions, but that book really opened my eyes to how much time I wasted er, spent browsing content on the interwebs. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, newsfeeds, etc. The…


That title is supposedly Gaelic for “home.” I had always known that my paternal grandfather’s family came from Scotland to Canada to the United States. But recently my aunt dug up more research about my great-great-grandmother. She was a McLeod…

Inktober 2019

Oh yeah, I have a blog! I’ve been wanting to (re)develop my artistic side. I used to enjoy doodling and just creating stuff. Over time, as life and work have gotten in the way, I stopped creating anything. Blerg. Humans…

New Microblog (sort of)

Like most people on the internet, I consume a LOT of links, stories, memes, videos, etc. Sometimes I want to share something I read or watch. But, I’m also trying to limit my social media time and not everything fits on…

Tales From The Furlough

It’s been a rough couple weeks for me since the government shutdown started. The first two weeks were pretty easy because the whole family was home for winter break. But now they’re all back in school and I’m just sort…

Still not unremarkable

Hopefully this works … I had a domain as the “parent” on my hosting package with NameCheap and wanted to let that domain expire while moving *this* domain as the parent. Unfortunately, that required moving some files and changing a… Weather Widget

I’ve been using a great little product called Notion lately. They have a limited free version, so I highly recommend you check it out. I loved the flexibility and potential so much that I paid for a year subscription. I’ll…

National Arboretum

The wife, kids, and I decided to hit the National Arboretum this morning. Mother Nature obliged by giving us a cool, breezy, low humidity day. First time wandering around the grounds and it won’t be our last. We didn’t see…

Meine Oma

It was a year ago today that my grandmother passed away. It was very hard to see her decline in her last few months of life, and the day before her death was very difficult for her and for us.…


A week off of social media certainly helped make me feel better. I took the time to focus on getting some things done on my to-do list, take care of “me”, and decide how to proceed. Social Media is too…

My Heart Hurts

Photo by marc falardeau on / CC BY

I’m getting worn down by the political world again. I need a break. Too much hate, anger, accusations, finger pointing, and power struggles. I’m going to do my best to stay off social media for the remainder of the week.…


Back in 2015 I tried a “Project 365” in which I would post a picture each day. I didn’t really have a theme, per se. Some days I posted something I’d done that day, other days it was completely random.…

A different world

Note: I posted this originally on the Friendface … but felt I should post it here too. Found this photo on imgur. People watching the WTC burn 16 years ago. I remember that day pretty vividly. I remember feeling like the…