Category 2023project52

2023 Project 52 – 13/52

The old house keeps getting closer to being done. Soon. Soon … Meanwhile I trudge on with work, school, and life at the new home. Eventually we’ll have some time to finish unpacking. But not yet. Dealt with some pretty…

2023 Project 52 – 12/52

Week two in the new house. The old house has been making progress. The basement is fixed, new drywall, paint, and carpet. Our handyman did a bunch of painting. Now we’re waiting for the flooring for the kitchen to arrive…

2023 Project 52 – 11/52

Regular old week of work, school, unpacking, and dealing with repairs at the old house. Just working through one thing at a time, it’s all we can do. We have been enjoying the city life however we can though. We’ve…

2023 Project 52 – 10/52

Quite the week. We closed on the new house. The son premiered his documentary. Movers moved most of the house this weekend. The son left to drive to the West Coast. My dad (who lives in SC) stopped by to…

2023 Project 52 – 8/52

Update on the dishwasher leak! Apparently the fans and dehumidifiers weren’t drying up the kitchen. The contractors took a closer look and realized the tiles were laid over linoleum, so they were going to have to rip up the tile.…

2023 Project 52 – 7/52

Ugh, this week. It started off busy and just ramped up from there. Things are progressing at the new house just fine now. The packing is progressing too; I found an old visa from my trip to the USSR in…

2023 Project 52 – 5/52

It was a week, y’all. It felt like Friday by Wednesday. Currently have way more things adding to my list than leaving my list. But, all I can do is keep chugging forward and do what I can do. /shrug…

2023 Project 52 – 1/51

Starting a new Project 52 for 2023! I certainly love looking back through the photos from last year to see what an eventful year it was. We certainly had some highs and lows. I prefer the weekly posting format over…