Category 2022project52


Another busy week of work. The spring semester has kicked off and my information science class is going to be a decent amount of work. It’s been cold. It snowed a bit. It’s fox mating season, so the locals have…


It was a busy work week this week. Tons of meetings. I guess with the MLK Jr holiday and coming back from Christmas/New Years, a lot of people had to catch up on stuff. That worked out to less time…


Last time I shaved was the day before the fire in Colorado. So, I guess I’m growing out a beard. The girls are having a Jane Austen day and watching all the shows. I took the opportunity to knock some…


We’re home from our very eventful trip to Colorado for Christmas and New Years. If you haven’t been following, my brother-in-law’s house burned down in the Marshall Fire outside Boulder. We were staying with them. As horrible as the day…


This year, instead of a Project 365 in which I post a photo or photos every single day, I’m going to do a larger post or gallery every week. Some days I just don’t do anything and then I end…