
Gorgeous evening sky Funky fungus Crazy bumper sticker (cooking with a microwave? It’s a surefire recipe for death!)


Warshed the dishes Bakeded some cookies The daughter will be selling these adorable prints/notecards; details soon


Worked from home and my coworkers napped the day away This soup is REALLY thick, too thick actually Watching The Circle on Netflix; trash reality competition at its finest


Leaves are starting to change Izzy trying on her Halloween costume Meatball hunted and killed a vicious beanie hat


Firetrucks can be intimidating when they’re inches away from your car The wife spruced the place for fall When it’s cold outside, you need the patented puppy blanket to keep…


Just a day of work and grocery shopping, so I ended the day watching Matt win Jeopardy Sam go to a museum Paul eat a brandy snap


My adventure with the wife’s car today included watching planes with the top down Waiting line for gas with the rest of Northern Virginia Waiting at almost all the red…


Giant green caterpillar on our door frame Giant green apple we picked last weekend Rubi scaling the cat tree to get her ball