2023 Project 52 – 24/52

There’s just a lot going on right now. Work continues on our back yard. School work ramps up as I prepare for my midterm (to be taken tomorrow, as I write this). Taking on more responsibility at work (more to come on that). It’s … busy.

But overall, I’ve got a really good life. Most of these things are things I bring upon myself, things I want, and things that are beneficial/worthwhile. I have a great family that treated me very well for Father’s Day. I have great co-workers that work hard for the team and “mission.” I’m a lucky dude.

I only say that because I realize I’ve been going through a lot and it can sound like complaining. And sometimes it is complaining (like my rants about my current graduate course), but it’s just a hurdle I have to jump to finish the degree.

Anyway, enjoy some photos from my busy week! The highlight was a history walk through Old Town Alexandria given by my daughter, then a blindfolded potato chip taste test, followed by dinner at Haute Dog (hot dogs, burgers, tater tots, fries, etc.). Great weekend!

One comment

  1. Love this post. So glad you had a fun, yet crazy, Fathers’ Day. We would love to take the historic tour of Old Town Alexandria and any other historic tours the next time we’re visiting.

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