2023 Project 52 – 28/52

Big news this week.

First, I finished my hellish Secure Software Development course. I was at the point where I was hoping for a “C” in the class. The professor apparently curved the grades and I got a “B+”. Woohoo!

Second, the daughter found an apartment. It’s in a very convenient location, good price, and plenty of space. We’re very happy for her!

Third, I had my annual dermatologist appointment this week and had NOTHING she wanted to take off. I have a LOT of freckles and moles and there’s almost always something she wants to scrape off. But not this year!

Finally, my car hit 40,000 miles! OK, that’s not huge news, but it happened this week. Other things that happened this week: we walked to Old Town Books to attend an author event, I picked up donuts at Good Company Donuts (a rare treat we haven’t had in a while), we visited a new (to us) coffee shop in Old Town called Via Volcono (I had a rare Geisha coffee from Panama), and the wife made a delicious cheese board for dinner.

So yeah, pretty great week around here.