Category WORLD

The Real Reason To Go Electric

white and orange gasoline nozzle

I got into a little back-and-forth with somebody on Facebook. I know, I know … never engage anybody about anything on Facebook. It’s like screaming at a wall. At any rate, this person posted some flippant comment about how it…


a kid protesting against the war in ukraine

I’m so fricking impressed with the Ukrainian people. I feel for the Russians who don’t agree with their government’s actions but aren’t allowed to protest or speak out. I’m also impressed with those Russians who have risked imprisonment to protest…

America, land of the free

America. “Give [us] your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” Written on the Statue of Liberty. I *idea* of America is that it’s a land of opportunity. Anybody from anywhere in the world can come here…