Category 100DaysToOffload


We’re re-arranging the house a bit. We’re moving the family room to the main level, then the library moves to the basement and the extra room becomes my office. We have a handyman installing some shelves in the basement and…


Starting to get a grasp on my task list at work. But it feels like for every one thing I cross off, three things get added. Light week of schoolwork though, fortunately. Unfortunately, that just means the professor has more…


Another busy week of work. The spring semester has kicked off and my information science class is going to be a decent amount of work. It’s been cold. It snowed a bit. It’s fox mating season, so the locals have…


It was a busy work week this week. Tons of meetings. I guess with the MLK Jr holiday and coming back from Christmas/New Years, a lot of people had to catch up on stuff. That worked out to less time…


Last time I shaved was the day before the fire in Colorado. So, I guess I’m growing out a beard. The girls are having a Jane Austen day and watching all the shows. I took the opportunity to knock some…


We’re home from our very eventful trip to Colorado for Christmas and New Years. If you haven’t been following, my brother-in-law’s house burned down in the Marshall Fire outside Boulder. We were staying with them. As horrible as the day…

America, land of the free

America. “Give [us] your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” Written on the Statue of Liberty. I *idea* of America is that it’s a land of opportunity. Anybody from anywhere in the world can come here…


A Depeche Mode song popped up in my shuffled playlist this morning. My mind wandered to when I first heard Depeche Mode. I remember it vividly. It was the mid-80s and I was visiting my mom in Santa Rosa, CA.…

Brushing up on Stoicism

Photo by Zul Ahadi on Unsplash

I don’t even remember how I was first introduced to Stoicism a few years ago. In that time though, I’ve read all three of Ryan Holiday’s “The Way, The Enemy, The Key” series, Marcus Aurelius’ “Meditations”, and last year read…

Milty Fresh

Photo by Abby Boggier on Unsplash

Every day I walk to my office past a plethora of offices. Mostly people I don’t know because I just don’t interact with them. There’s one name plate that catches my eye consistently: Milt Smith (last name changed to protect…

Books I Read in June 2021

I track what I read in Goodreads, but I wanted to start writing a little more about each book and keep track by the month on this blog. Goodreads is nice for the annual challenge, but I don’t really use…