Too Much News

Watch the video … but spoiler alert: yes, you are consuming too much news. Key takeaways: Watching the news does not equate to participating in our world/life/community We need more people participating in politics There is an immense amount of…

Vintage New York

YouTube offered the following video as a suggestion alongside another video I was watching. It was one of those random ones that pops up, but their algorithm has clearly pegged me because I was interested. It’s a fascinating way to…

2020 Annual Axiom

I’ve never been a big resolutions person. I’d set them (sometimes), but wouldn’t really fully commit to them. Then I read about “My Three Words” from Mike Vardy at the Productivityist. This is a concept in which you define three…

Project 365

In case you’re new around here, I do this little thing called a “Project 365“. You can find all my photos from this year (2019) on with the #project365 tag. Note: I recently moved to using for blogging…

Choose to Create

Earlier this year I read “Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport. I already had suspicions, but that book really opened my eyes to how much time I wasted er, spent browsing content on the interwebs. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, newsfeeds, etc. The…


That title is supposedly Gaelic for “home.” I had always known that my paternal grandfather’s family came from Scotland to Canada to the United States. But recently my aunt dug up more research about my great-great-grandmother. She was a McLeod…

Meditation Monday

I’ve been trying to meditate more regularly. Boy howdy do I need it! Today’s guided meditation was a lesson on equanimity. e·qua·nim·i·ty /ˌekwəˈnimədē/ noun – mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. The message that…

Inktober 2019

Oh yeah, I have a blog! I’ve been wanting to (re)develop my artistic side. I used to enjoy doodling and just creating stuff. Over time, as life and work have gotten in the way, I stopped creating anything. Blerg. Humans…

New Microblog (sort of)

Like most people on the internet, I consume a LOT of links, stories, memes, videos, etc. Sometimes I want to share something I read or watch. But, I’m also trying to limit my social media time and not everything fits on…

I got this

This year has been a rough start for me. Between losing a month of pay with the government shutdown (contractors didn’t get backpay), my contract waiting to be awarded, our dog passing away, and more responsibilities in general, I feel…


My wife decided to become vegan about three years ago. My daughter had been vegetarian for most of her life at that point and decided to go full vegan shortly after my wife. Since that time, I’ve certainly changed my…